Cardano vs Ethereum . Officially released in September 2017, the public, decentralized and open source blockchain technology was built from the scratch with the sole aim of filling voids and problems like scalability, regulation, security, and more created by its predecessors. Certainly, Ethereum is a predecessor to Cardano. Cardano is home to the Ada cryptocurrency, which can be used to send and receive digital funds. This digital cash represents the future of money, making possible fast, direct transfers that are guaranteed to be secure through the use of cryptography. Cardano is more than just a cryptocurrency, however, it is a technological platform that […] It states that the price of ADA doesn't reflect the project's project's fundamentals, but the agency failed to elaborate on the rationale behind the bullish call. "Cardano is easily one of the most deeply undervalued #crypto assets on the market. Its price doesn't reflect its fundamentals. #cryptocurrency #ADA #altcoins #Cardano